Outreach Clinics
Medical facilities in Zambia in general are poor, particularly in the more remote areas. Local hospitals and clinics that service these communities often lack the very basic medicines required to deal with everyday ailments.
Health Checks
At the Siankaba Community Trust School we are fortunate to have established links with several doctors from Livingstone General Hospital. These doctors regularly give up their time on a voluntary basis to carry out health checks at the school. The U Foundation supports the costs of any medicines required.
Eyesight Clinics
Donations of brand new reading glasses have allowed us to support Livingstone General Hospital in their outreach eye clinics in rural areas. These clinics are dedicated to helping those people that struggle with their eyesight yet cannot afford to buy glasses. Hundreds of people have benefited and can finally read again.

Our Sponsors

Our Charity
The U Foundation, BVM House, Trinity Lane, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0BL