Water Provision
Clean, safe water is something that most of us take for granted. But for those people living in mud huts in Zambia’s most remote villages, access to clean water is not always possible. More than half of the population in rural Zambia live without proper sanitation, leading to diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and dysentery. For villagers living in places such as Siankaba it is sometimes easier to head to the river, where water is in great supply. Unfortunately, this is the River Zambezi, home to some of the countries deadliest animals, particularly the crocodile – known to take human life in this area.
Villiage Water Supply
We have provided the village of Siankaba and surrounding areas with boreholes and
handpumps, giving villagers a fresh supply of water for their own use. This reduces the distance they must walk each day to collect water and reduces the risk of disease.
With the help of our supporters, we hope to do more by investing further in supplying clean water.
Siankaba Community Trust School
When the school was first built a main priority was to supply running water and provide flushing toilets. This means that the children not only have access to clean water, but they also learn about and practise personal hygiene.
The provision of water to the school has allowed the planting of a large vegetable garden which is now flourishing and supplements meals for the children. This also gives children experience in the methods of subsistence farming.